State of the Nation

My fellow Americans, we live in dire and dangerous times. Strange, Orwellian, Book-of-Revelations, Kubrick with a big budget type times. 2,000 American soldiers dead in Iraq---the new Land of Liberty--and our inept and addle-pated administration longs to send more...and to other countries, yet, to be sure. Let us not forget that nations like Syria and Iran have yet to feel our benevolent despot's ire. Too bad he is so dead-set against cloning; he might need it to get himself more soldiers. Meanwhile, the Gulf Coast is still in ruins, another wrath of God type storm bears down. The line between fantasy and reality is always tenuous here in the USA. Maybe Bush will send Schwarzennegger in to stop the hurricane...OR, perhaps, the Sardukar regiments Cheney is holding back for that last great push into Poland.
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