Feeling: Ambivalent

Crikey. Where is everyone? These last weeks of 2005; drinking the dregs of the year. The wind prowling around outside. Work in a couple of hours. Long, dull night, or long, ass-busting night? Remains to be seen. The great chain of being is forged of many links, today a link in everyone's, er, chain thingy. Circle of time, music of the spheres, wot not. I distrust my president; think he is trying to steal my car keys, as well as all rights apertaining thereunto. Message to the children of tomorrow; sorry, guys. Mucked it royally, but chin chin. That's the spirit.
Halloween is nearing, happy birthday, you know who you are. Thanks for, well, everything. You are in my thoughts these days...and in that book I'm writing...no, the other one. Christ, but the wind outside is howling like a wounded thing. Happy that I live indoors.
Thanks for your comments. Hope more people give it a look.
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