I'm Confused

Why is it that investigations into government malfeasance disappear into thin air? Remember when it was announced that the reason the US Armed forces were sent into Iraq in the first place, was that "faulty intelligence" was to blame? That story that the Bush Administration released--that Iraq had purchased, or had, at some point, attempted to purchase, yellow cake uranium from Niger (the poorest country in the world) for filthy oil luecre? This story turned out to be apocryphal, and the intelligence snafu was promptly blamed on the British Intelligence service, MI6. Now, remember after the initial furor, weighty announcements were made, edicts came forth from the temple, and a satrap was dispatched upon a white charger to begin an investigation. Just where did that investigation lead? What happened to it? And when is the last time that any news agency asked the question that I am asking?
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