I wish that I knew

The word on the street is that the VP-led cabal set this whole thing up to fill fat business cat's pockets with lucre for favors of temps perdue The bastards have absolutely no faith in the intelligence of anyone in this country; of all of the goddamned cynical bullshit that the citizens of this country will turn a blind eye to, the daily blast of shite these guys level at the country amazes me, but the bleeting apologists for the Republican New World Order are in a class that defies logic and comprehension, no matter how idiotic the policy, you find poorly informed minions willing to defend them. Sinister pundits abound who serve as throng masters to keep the encephalic masses harping the party slogan: "If you don't have it, you don't deserve it!" "If you don't agree with us=you don't agree with the president=you don't agree with Amurka=You are an Al Kader!" Jiminy Cricket.
I thought Joseph McCarthy was dead. Well, we still have Karl Rove, and that's just as bad, right? After all. Who needs Edie Weisenthal when you have Ann Coulter? One harpy to scream the party slogan per era, please. Right this way, Miss Coulter. Satan is waiting in the wings. He'd like an autograph...and, to buy you dinner.
Ignorant sluts of the ages, unite! If you can't crush mankind, I guess it's a pleasure for certain types of people just to lick the boots of their overlords, as we all lose what is left of the light that remains to us.
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