Mother Do You Think They'll Drop the Bomb Behind My Wall, Pt. II?, LLC

Remember all the hoo-hah about how Pink Floyd's eternally popular album Dark Side of the Moon synched up so eerily with MGM's Wizard of Oz? Well, leave it to your humble narrator to discover other weird and wondrous Pink Floyd confluences in the world outside. At work, (frequently bad) music is played over the intercom. This can sometimes rarely be heard above the din of the machinery. Last night, I could hear just the melody of one song, which I recognized, and was singing along with in my head...or so I thought until I moved into an area, where the words could be heard. Talk about heebee geebies...what I thought was Pink Floyd's "The Trial", was in fact...the Partridge Family's "I Think I Love You!"
Hmmmm....both band's initials are P.F.? Hmmm...David (Cassidy) Partridge, David Gilmour? Shirley Jones=Mother? Uh, Ruben Kincaid, Worm your Honour? The two songs sound eerily alike, and there are detectible thematic similarlities, also. I suggest a lyrics search...nough said...RRD.
Nice blog here, man. I take it you're in the deep, dirty south?
I'll definitely check back here.
cheers! -azb
Thanks. Yeah, I am in the Dirty South, and if ambition holds and luck permits, more southerly climes still will open their arms to recieve me home. And no, I don't mean Hell, though it is one of the more interesting places that I have yet to visit. Provst.
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