They are still among us.

Adolf Hitler. The name conjures up racial holocaust, the iron bootheel of the state, and frightening memories of a war that plunged the world into darkness, a war that the democratic nations very nearly lost. Adolf Hitler. It seems that every day I hear his name invoked in some context. It occurs sometimes in reference to some scientific marvel or the other, that was developed by the amazing German scientific community during WWII. More often, though, his name is mentioned in reference to the glut of death that he caused among the warring nations, and the systematic murder of Jews and millions of others that he and his minions engineered. It seems that last, most horrific legacy, while reviled by any sane person, is very attractive to some.
It amazes me, just how far people are willing to go to throw hatred and disrepute on their fellow human beings. Looking into the far future, I can only see a landscape of violence and misunderstanding, in a world that increasingly bears the scars of humankind's disregard for the fate of the planet. Will we go down to the dark fate that Hitler prophecied for the world? Will we come to grips with the demons that we have conjured forth? I hate to tell you where I'm putting my money.
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