What will they think of us?

I sometimes wonder what the top ten things that the people of a century from now will find curious about us. I like to think of myself as a bit foresighted, but I know that no one can foretell what is to come, even a year from now...some, with acute minds can foresee the inevitable. I think that one of the things, though, that people will find curious about us is the fact that our educational system is so backwards. I mean, you've been to college, right? Now, you remember those people that couldn't crunch the hard math, their minds weren't agile enough for science, and they lacked the powers of introspection and spirit of meticulous inquiry that the liberal arts required...let's see, they tried a bunch of majors, and then went into...education! Yes. That's the sad state of affairs in this country...we not only have, but require these fools to run our schools. I believe that a sweeping educational reform is needed to clean the intellectual garbage from our schools. Instead, our myopic government keeps passing meaningless requirements that just pile more work, and more man hours, on the good teachers in the system, and pile more incompetent idiots in on top of them, who probably never should have went to college at all. I went to see if I could teach English at a local school lately, after seeing that a teacher had sent home a list of "Speling Words" for her students to learn...three of which were misspelled.
I was informed that my Masters (and, let's not forget, I have half completed a Ph.D., in English...) were not the proper credentials to teach English. No sir; what was called for was a "Education degree." Which, I was happy to inform the snotty Public Servant that informed me of same, was a degree for losers and fools, and I would not wipe my ass upon, it being more intellectual than most of the recipients of said degree. Note to self: When Stalinest-style purges start, clean out Civil Service, too.
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