Let it Ride

Argh. Time is still having its way with me. Finally got the web site up and running, so now that German guy can keep paying me for advertising. I still have yet to get my Jeep fixed so I can get around and visit my friends and go hang out with my brother, which is something I need to do every so often to stay sane. I was supposed to get the required parts last week, but who should show up but a representative from the Power Company (fascists) apparently me roommate had forgot to pay the power--I had to cough up abotu $400.00 bucks to avoid getting the power cut off that day. That left me kinda broke. Anyway, When I get paid again, everything should be caught up, so I can finally get motivated again. In a strange sidenote to the story, my cousin was dating this gal who has a (broken down) jeep, same make and model as mine, and she offered to give me the aforementioned part. The night prior to the whole POwer company fascisto thing, though, she came by (drunk, at 2:00 am, no less) and proclaimed that it was really me that she had wanted all along. I sent her on her way, I has have never been the low-down, chick snaking type. I figured that she just needed some sleep, anyway. I'm so noble. Sometimes.
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