Yeah, well, here I am at forty, finally. I am light a father, four fiancees, and all too recently, a brother. The ones we leave behind us we rightfully miss; with the ones who are still here with us, we better had share the joy and remembrance of those gone; the laughs, the good times, and yes, even when the departed were a pain in the ass, because that was part of them, too. Forty, it seems, is a time for looking behind, but also, for me, a time to look ahead. Ahead to tomorrow, when I go to visit my oldest friend and his dear family, and share with him what tales and memories we share in our long association.
A time to spend with my eldest brother, and my sisters and mom, too, and pretty much ask, on some level, at least, where does the time go?
And that looking ahead part? Well, I still have volumes left to write, and stories left to collect; and so much love for everyone, still gathered together in this green valley. From little brother; I love you all, and will see you soon.
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