Why does the Hollywood machine keep churning out retarded crap starring the same aging ninnies? Why do million flock to see predictable, over-blown movies, starring the same cynical millionaires pretending to be wholesome good guys, when these gazillion-dollar epics are really nothing but these egomaniacs getting to pretend they are the best of the best of the bestest, AGAIN, at everyone else's expense? Why? Because, the people who make these movies are absolutely convinced that they have turned the USA and most of the civilized world into a Gondwanaland of ignorant sluts, closet drug addicts and alcoholics, and vapid flag waving trailer trash who don't know what real cinema is (they don't make it in Hollywood; never have) who are too busy counting what's left of their hard earned beer money after they go see this trash, to learn that there is anything better out there. Kudoes to some who fought back:
but notice how many people whined, being deprived of their regular immersion in complete and utter garbage, denied their Cleveland Steam of the mind. Hollywood seeks only to fill its pockets. It has nothing to do with producing art that enobles man. That's why it's such a fucking JOKE when congress puts Hollyowood actors in charge of the National Endowment for the Arts. Anything they knew about the arts, they prostituted long ago. Best leave art to the artists.
Do yourself a favor; go see a foreign film.
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