Monday, October 02, 2006

Slouching Towards Armageddon

As October 5th approaches, upon which many thousands will boycott and protest the Bush administration's foreign policy of kill, kill, kill, I look around for voices that affirm my own position, that in a time demanding verity, flexibility, and creativity, the USA is saddled with Viet Nam era psychopaths as leaders, who want bombs, more bombs, bigger bombs, and who cling fruitlessly to Plan A, even when it is proven that Plan A doesn't work, and a Plan B is desperately needed. Kathy Kelly writes:

Gentle reader, do you realize the danger of having a president so disconnected from reality that he plots to attack Iran--a country three times the size of Iraq--when he lacks sufficient forces to occupy Baghdad and to protect the road from Baghdad to the airport?

Despite all the high profile "sweeps" of US forces through insurgent strongholds, US commanders report a doubling of insurgent attacks.

The Bush administration is insane. If the American people do not decapitate it by demanding Bush's impeachment, the Bush administration will bring about Armageddon. This may please some Christian evangelicals conned by Rapture predictions, but World War III will please no one else.

As any reader of this blog knows, I could have written these lines myself. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and Rove, have continually lied about forewarnings they recieved regarding attacks in this country prior to 9/11; Iraqi "ties" to those attacks, military forewarnings of a quagmire in Iraq; the "improving" conditions in a country almost in complete chaos because of sectarian violence; and the administration's plan to get our military out of Iraq before it is completely exhausted. Kelly does a geat job cataloguing the excesses of this administration so far. I recommmend this book to those seeking a more in-depth knowledge of the questions that face this country, and how we got here.

Can the American public--including the now decidedly small Neocon revolution, now in full retreat--step up and oust this dangerous regime before they bring wider destruction to the world, and an even more onerous alienation to our country? Can we? Or is it, even now, too late?


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