In the New Year, There Will Be a Great Visitation of Energy

List of things that aren't important:
Celebrities, gossip, drama, things that might have been, spam, TV offers, bargains you don't need, bullshit, superficial shit that idiots think important, the best cell phone plan, how much money you might have saved, that new thing that everyone is blathering about, what any asshole thinks of you, stupid sluts like those pictured, whatever happened to you X years ago, a little wait, a longer wait, a bill or two overdo 'cause you don't have the money, the past.
List of things that are important: The friends you have left, your family, your plans, your dreams, what you do with the time you have left, and the talent and light that God has given you. And the always undreamed of tomorrow, the miracle that comes to us every day, and no one sees. And love. Like the lad said, it is all that we have.