Ah, How Quickly We Forget

In light of the terrible events in Haditha and elsewhere in Iraq, this administration has decided to distract you with bread and circuses, naked emotional appeals, and more outright lies. This disturbing image represents the Mobile Biological Weapons Production Facilities, used by Saddam's evil regime. They have lots of them, staffed by Sandmen and Jawa renegades. They patrol the limitless wastes of Arrakis, and are trying to stop Spice production, and destroy Disneyland, and the American Way. Iraq, AmWay, and the Jehovah's Witnesses represent an Axis of Evil, that only a gang of old GOP cronies like this administration is morally equipped to deal with.
Never mind Colin Powell's whitewashing of the My-Lai massacre, when he was sent to investigate in Viet Nam. Never mind Dick Cheney's multi-billion dollar collusion with Haliburton in Iraq. Never mind we were going to invade Iraq, anyway, before 9/11 ever happened; never mind any of those pointless things--look at this picture!!! Just look at it! Why, the safety of our sons and daughters comes first...unless, of course, I want to send them to Iraq..then they become martyrs (oops) I mean, heroes...anyway, their sacrifice, is well, hell, how am I supposed to fight a war without getting some people killed? Heck fire.
...now, we may have determined, after four years, that these here vehicles never even existed, which sure makes you want to ask, who drew this thing? Where were they getting their ideas, and information? Well, we'll just sweep that under the rug with the rest of it. Go watch American Idol, or survivor. Yeah, that's it, go back to sleep. Now that you're used to the idea of war, I got a doozy planned for you. It's called World War Three! You'll really like it. It's got China and North Kora in there, and the rest of the Mideast, too. Hell, everyone's invited...just don't go reading 1984 or The Sheep Look Up. Nothing but crazy ideas in them books. Global warming; endless war... What a laugh!
You got to love a society where you don't have to censor dangerous books, on account everybody's too dumb now to read 'em. I know I am! Oh, well. Just remember when you are crouching in a city swallowed by rioting, or clutching your rifle in some blameless foreign land, surrounded by dead buddies and crazed native scum hell-bent on your death, Freedom demands sacrifice; and I am free to demand yours!
May God continue to bless America.
Good night.