Shakin' Like a Human Bein'

Yeehaa! Me and Cousin Bobby went out last night (He's been worried, since I haven't been getting out and socializing) We went to a place that just opened up, the "Yellow Moon," and I danced with a few old gals and had a few brews, and, as William S. Burroughs once wrote, awoke in new flesh, the outlook different. Amen, ahem. Thinking tonight about something my old good friend Sam said long ago. He asked me what my plans were upon graduation from High School, and I said, in my callow youth and utter stupidity, "Whatever." He looked at me and said/asked, "Wherever the river carries you."
Since then I have crossed many rivers, indeed, and rode out some tough spots indeed; and now I am at a point in my life, to mix metaphors feely, where I am in the Quik-Stop, it's 11:30 something, and I am hungry, but....nothing looks good. Gen X turns 40 and that's the problem, cause we are all getting on, the Cold War is over, and nothing looks good.
But thanks Bobby, and hang in there Sam. The jury is still out on this old SOB and who knows, he's got a few moves in him yet, if the Callow young gals from the next town over can be believed. And today I choose to believe. I'm shakin', but I'm just glad the good Lord let me be here, and stick around this long, besides. Stay loose, stay cool, and keep the Faith.